We are pleased to announce that ApacheCon 2020 will be held online, September 29th through October 1st, 2020.
If you wish to present at the event please submit your talk proposal for the Camel/Integration track when at ApacheCon 2020 website no later than Monday, July 13th by noon in the UTC timezone. Please do not wait for the last minute to submit.
We are most interested to see talks that offer a learning experience to the attendees, so talks that present new parts of the Camel ecosystem (Camel K, Camel Quarkus, Camel Kafka Connector), talks showing off lessons learned, use cases, and visions on where software integration is heading in the future. We also welcome talk proposals on other projects in the software integration space.
Attend for free or a small donation to the Apache Software Foundation, to register, go to the Hopin registration page. Here are some of the reasons why you should attend:
- learn about the latest in Apache Camel and the software integration space,
- get a chance to interact, ask questions and influence roadmaps in the participant lead discussions, or at the panel on the future of software integration
- you can, if you wish to do so, present a 10-minute lightning talk (no need to submit one now as we will gather lightning talks at the conference)
- the conference is free to attend and online, no need for pesky traveling or expense reimbursements
- celebrate the Apache Camel and the wider Apache Software Foundation community