Apache Camel 3.4 What's New

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Apache Camel 3.4 is the first LTS (Long Term Support) release of Camel 3. This release will be actively supported with regular patch releases containing important bug and security fixes for 1-year. For more details about LTS vs non-LTS releases see this blog post. So what’s in this release? This release is mostly about robustness and bug fixes. We have also continued the work to make Camel more modular and lighter.

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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of Camel 3.4.0, a new LTS release with 118 new features, improvements and fixes. The artifacts are published and ready for you to download from the Central Maven repository. For more details please take a look at the release notes. Many thanks to all who made this release possible. On behalf of the Camel PMC, Gregor Zurowski

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What's new with Apache Camel 3 webinar

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Apache Camel is a leading open source integration framework that has been around for more than a decade. With the release of Apache Camel 3, the Camel family has been extended to include a full range of projects that are tailored to popular platforms including Spring Boot, Quarkus, Kafka, Kubernetes, and others; creating an ecosystem. Claus Ibsen and Andrea Cosentino presented What’s new in Camel 3, focusing on the most innovative Camel projects at the DevNation Tech Talk on June 5th.

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