Content Based Routing with Camel, Drools, Quarkus, Kogito, AtlasMap and Apache Kafka!

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In this post I want to share with you how to implement a complete, end-to-end Content Based Routing solution using Apache Camel, AtlasMap and Quarkus as a developer platform, including: Drools DMN Engine, Kogito. Apache Kafka is used in this solution as a message broker. Content based routing overview Here is the Enterprise Integration Pattern (EIP) diagram of the flow, annotated with some details of the components used: The focus of this solution is routing healthcare-related messages; for this demo example, messages are routed accordingly to the following decision table rules:

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Apache Camel 3.19 What's New

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Apache Camel 3.19 has just been released. This release introduces a set of new features and noticeable improvements that we will cover in this blog post. Camel JBang (Camel CLI) In this release we continue the expansion of Camel CLI. You can now easily manage local running Camel integrations. For example to list all running Camel processes: camel ps PID NAME READY STATUS AGE 61818 sample.camel.MyCamelApplica… 1/1 Running 26m38s 62506 dude 1/1 Running 4m34s To see a bit more information, you can use camel get.

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Karavan Roadmap 2023

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Karavan is an Integration Toolkit for Apache Camel aimed to increase developer performance through the visualization of routes, integration with runtimes and pipelines for package, image build and deploy to kubernetes out-of-the-box. Apache Camel Karavan is celebrating its first anniversary. October 4, 2021 a new repository was created and the first prototype of Karavan Designer was pushed there. Today we have the Karavan VS Code extension and Cloud-native application for Kubernetes/OpenShift.

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