Camel Textual Route debugging in Emacs

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A month before it became easier to provide debug adapter support inside Vim -See this blog post. It is now time to use Camel Debug Adapter in Emacscamel-tooling/camel-dap-client-emacs. EMACS Debug Adapter client for Apache Camel How to debug Camel with emacs I just got the debug integration for camel in emacs running using ( In order to not forget the config, I decided to quickly compile this readme. Prerequisites Camel version 3.

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Camel K CICD

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In Camel K version 10, we’ve released the CLI `promote feature that provides Camel K an opinionated way of promoting an Integration through the stages of software development. This feature unlock the possibility to combine Camel K with external tooling and let the user develop according to any automated release process. We always ear about CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery and/or Deployment), and in this blog we’re going to see how to make it for any Camel K integration.

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RELEASE 3.19.0

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The Camel community announces the immediate availability of Camel 3.19.0, a new release with 259 new features, improvements and fixes. The artifacts are published and ready for you to download from the Central Maven repository. For more details please take a look at the release notes. Many thanks to all who made this release possible. On behalf of the Camel PMC, Gregor Zurowski

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