Author-led Training on Apache Camel

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Announcing Author-led Training on Camel I’m happy to announce the release of a new course on Apache Camel at Pluralsight. The course, “Fundamentals of Integration with Apache Camel”, by Michael Hoffman, is intended to help you learn the foundations of Camel as well as how to apply it at an enterprise scale. Demonstrations are provided for implementing ETL, Event-Driven Architecture with RabbitMQ and Kafka, and finally, serverless with Camel-K. Please note, Pluralsight is a paid subscription service.

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ApacheCon Asia 2022 Videos

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Video recordings from ApacheCon Asia 2022 are now available for viewing on YouTube. The five sessions on the Integration Track can also be viewed embedded here. Enjoy! Sharing the architecture of DevLake, a research and development performance data integration platform by 陈映初 (Chen Yingchu) ¬ Citizen Streaming Engineer - A How To by Timothy Spann ¬ Camel K goes Quarkus Native by Pasquale Congiusti ¬ Integrating systems in the age of Quarkus, serverless and Kafka by Zineb Bendhiba

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