Camel K Operations: monitoring

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Camel K offers a wide list of operations you can execute once your Integration has been deployed (likely in a production environment). When we talk about operations, the most typical question we got is “How to monitor a Camel K Integration?”. Fortunately, we have all the ingredients needed to let you manage this operation as smooth as possible. I’ll walk you through the different tools and configuration needed in this blog post.

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Camel Designer's new mapping system

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\ A new input mapping system has been added to Camel Designer. But what that even means ?!? Well, better to be seen, but if explained, it’s an effort to provide a more intuitive configuration system for Camel route steps. On one hand, it simplifies the view of a route by compacting route steps, and on the other hand, it provides an easy drag-and-drop mapping ability to map process variables to activity inputs.

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