Apache camel-quarkus 2.4.0 Release

New and Noteworthy

Supported Java version

This version supports Java 11.

Apache Camel Quarkus

Download Signature and checksum
apache-camel-quarkus-2.4.0-src.zip (Sources) PGP Signature, SHA512 Checksum

Git tag checkout

Release is tagged with 2.4.0 in the Git, to fetch it use:

git clone https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/camel-quarkus.git
cd camel-quarkus
git checkout 2.4.0

Resolved issues

Here is a list of all the issues that have been resolved for this release

doc: rephrase the section about charsets in native mode
`ShiroProcessor` is missing reflective class configuration for `commons-beanutils` converters
Investigate KafkaDevServicesDisabledTest failure test
Improve AWS2 DDB docs
Improve the Avro extension page
Improve the description of camel-quarkus-sql
Improve the description of camel-quarkus-openapi-java
Error: @antora/user-require-helper tried to access {requires}
AWS Aws2DdbQuarkusClientTest fails with real AWS
[Quarkus 2.4.0] Messaging tests fail with ambiguous dependencies for `org.apache.camel.quarkus.component.messaging.it.util.scheme.ComponentScheme`
io.quarkus.deployment.builditem.CapabilityBuildItem(name) is deprecated
OpenAPI Java integration tests fail with Camel 3.13.0-SNAPSHOT
Test AWS S3 encryption using KMS
AWS S3 tests should delete all buckets they create
Aws2S3Test could fail with real AWS S3 service caused by bucket name conflicts
URL to the Kafka brokers must be configured with the brokers option in native mode
QuarkusKafkaClientFactoryDisabledViaPropertiesTest is broken
Unify package names for the for the test in camel-quarkus-examples
Register camel <--> CDI event bridges only when observers for the events are detected
Docs xref check failures
[Camel 3.12] Remove the reflection register for SunJaxb21NamespacePrefixMapper
Google-Storage Extension: Cannot set serviceAccountKey because of Quarkiverse extension
[Quarkus 2.4.0] AWT packages forced to be runtime initialized
[Camel 3.12] enable autoCreate CI integration tests
gRPC producers with TLS enabled do not work
[Camel 3.12] Subclasses of ServiceCallConfiguration should not need to be registered for reflection
[Camel 3.12] UnmarshalTypeName should be renamed to unmarshalType
[camel 3.12] core: camel.threadpools.config[*] properties should not need reflection anymore
Expand AWS Lambda test coverage


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