Build configuration

The default installation provides some default configuration in order to perform a build and the publishing of the application in the container registry. In order to provide a more customized user experience, we provide two build configuration which you can use: Build Strategy and Publish Strategy.

Build strategy

The build strategy is used to control the behavior of the application build from the Integration source. This is equivalent to the Maven process building a Java application. You can configure the operator to run this operation either as a routine (or thread) in the same operator application, or to spin off a Kubernetes Pod and execute the build in a new separate application.

The routine strategy (default) is in general faster as it does not require Kubernetes to create any new resource, however it consumes a high amount of memory and may slow down any other process run in the same Camel K operator Pod. In general is a good strategy, but you need to consider the trade off if you have multiple concurrent builds at the same time.

The pod strategy is always used when running a Quarkus native build (as it requires certain tools not available in the operator container). You can also use this strategy when you want to have a higher level of concurrency. Although a bit slower (it requires Kubernetes to spin off a new Pod), this strategy will guarantee the execution of each parallel build in a timely manner.

the pod strategy was also required when using the now deprecated Buildah or Kaniko publishing strategy.

Beside the build strategy, there are other configuration you can fine tune for each single build (via builder trait) or in the of the IntegrationPlatform if you want to apply such configuration to all your builds. See the Builder trait page for more information.

The most relevant are the resource and limit parameters which can be used to control how much resources to give to builder Pods. Then you can configure the orderStrategy, setting a sequential (single build), fifo (parallel build started in FIFO order) or dependencies (parallel build holding those applications which may depends on other because of incremental image). Finally you can include any mavenProfile to the build in order to influence the behavior of the build (ie, adding any plugin or configuration you can use when running a pipeline).

Publish strategy

The publish strategy is used to control the behavior of the creation of the container after a build. Basically it create a container image from the application built in the previous step and store as a container in the registry configured.

The operator has 3 different strategy which you can adopt: Spectrum (default in plain Kubernetes profile), S2I (default in Openshift profile) and Jib.

Each configuration provides a set of technologies which are supporting the creation of a container image and the storage into a container registry. Spectrum is a lightweight technology based on go-containerregistry. It creates a raw image on top of a base image and push very quickly to a registry.

S2I is an efficient technology integrated in Openshift, reason why it is enabled by default in such a profile.

Jib is a technology that transform a Java project into a container image and is configurable directly in Maven.

you may define your own publishing technology by using pipelines.