An Integration describe the application by listing sources, resources, dependencies and by providing configuration options.
type Integration struct {
Spec IntegrationSpec (1)
Status IntegrationStatus (2)
type IntegrationSpec struct {
Sources []SourceSpec (3)
Flows []Flow (3)
Resources []ResourceSpec (3)
Dependencies []string (4)
Repositories []string (4)
Profile TraitProfile (5)
Traits map[string]TraitSpec (5)
Configuration []ConfigurationSpec (6)
1 | The desired state |
2 | The status of the object at current time |
3 | Integration sources and resource files |
4 | The dependencies required by the integration and related repositories (if needed) |
5 | The traits configuration |
6 | The integration configuration (properties, secrets, configmaps) |
the full go definition can be found here |